TWAS June 14

Hello Everyone,

Happy Father's Day weekend everyone!!!  I hope you all get to enjoy some fun family time together.

This is such a wonderful time of year.  We are able to bring so many fun projects together and tie in so much of our learning.  We're having so much fun with our assembly planning, and can't wait to share it with you!!  We also hope you love the Father's Day gifts and cards that the children were working so hard on this week.  And a huge thank you, once again, to the generous parent volunteer who came in and helped us make it possible. I'll leave all of that 'project' explaining for your little ones to share with you on Sunday : )

We finished off our math work with a really fun game called Kahoot.  The children loved it, and it is super fun, but it is an online site.  I have my own account and have made the games for our class but it definitely isn't a place of exploration for little ones.  Anyone can make games and post those games, so I have explained to them that they would have to set up an account with their parents, and that you would have to design the learning games, as a family.  We will be playing lots of Kahoot (great for review) over the next week and probably some Jeopardy as well. 

We are also continuing with our theatre boxes, novel reads, spelling challenges and 'inclusive' writing. 

In science the children are now on to their own 'little critter' explorations and are LOVING all of the cool facts they are learning about their creatures.

As we continue to learn about Saskatchewan, we popsicle stick one of the pre-chosen topics, have some direct learning which is followed up with some personal inquiry time.  Each child has chosen learn about a personal topic, and when that topic is 'popsicle sticked' he or she starts the class lesson off with some of their own independent learning.  So far we've had two introduction presenters, and both have done a great job!

All of our art is a surprise this week, so no pictures I'm afraid, but I think you'll love the beautiful creations.

Have a wonderful weekend All,

See you on Monday 73,

Mrs. McArthur


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