
Showing posts from June, 2019

Happy Summer!!

Hello Everyone, It seems like such a very short time ago that I was writing hello.  I really can't express what an amazing year this has been.  Working with your children brought so much joy to my every day.  We had so much fun and it was so wonderful watching all of their growth over the year.  I know that each and every one of them is going to do so well in grade 3 and can't wait to hear all about it when we finally meet up again at George!  I have told the children that I will upload their assembly video and our class slideshow into their IRIS accounts.  They are both too large, currently, but once I have them condensed and uploaded I will let you know and will provide you with access instructions.  Likewise, as soon as I hear from Annick Press publishing I will let you know what their feedback is!! I hope you have an amazing summer — and wish everyone all of the very best. Thank you so much for your incredible support; you have all been such a gift, Much Love and

TWAS June 21

Hello Everyone, Welcome to the first day of summer!!  We should definitely have an abundance of summer flowers with all of this rain! So unfortunately Sports Day was cancelled this week, because of the weather.  As disappointing as it must have been for the the children, they were so good about it!! We'll try again next week, but it's still looking a little chilly so best to keep this in mind when thinking about clothing options in the morning. We also have our assembly and family picnic next week, so please don't hesitate to send me an email if you need clarification or date/time details.  The students have been working so hard and the assembly is coming together so well looks great.  We still had a lot things to work on this week.  Almost everyone finished researching about their critter and is beginning to put all of that information together with some beautiful pictures on a poster presentation.  We've also continued to learn about our neighbour province, Sask

TWAS June 14

Hello Everyone, Happy Father's Day weekend everyone!!!  I hope you all get to enjoy some fun family time together. This is such a wonderful time of year.  We are able to bring so many fun projects together and tie in so much of our learning.  We're having so much fun with our assembly planning, and can't wait to share it with you!!  We also hope you love the Father's Day gifts and cards that the children were working so hard on this week.  And a huge thank you, once again, to the generous parent volunteer who came in and helped us make it possible. I'll leave all of that 'project' explaining for your little ones to share with you on Sunday : ) We finished off our math work with a really fun game called Kahoot.  The children loved it, and it is super fun, but it is an online site.  I have my own account and have made the games for our class but it definitely isn't a place of exploration for little ones.  Anyone can make games and post those games, s

TWAS June 7

Hello Everyone, It was great seeing so many of you this week during our visit to Dr. George and at the art walk.  The project came together beautifully.  The grade 8 students were so welcoming, and many of the letters that they wrote were so thoughtful and encouraging.   Our students were so polite and respectful.  They were also very brave.  It is a little intimidating walking into a room filled with grade 8’s, but they did it and they asked some great questions too!  The cookies turned out amazingly. The students collaborated so beautifully at their stations that I was able to get the dishes done as they worked!  Here are a couple of pictures to enjoy, along with the recipe for those interested (the children had a modified version, that I am happy to forward to anyone interested, and I did the baking part): In addition to all of our art and baking business, we had a concert, assembly and Club Friday this week.  We have also been enjoying some rea