
Showing posts from January, 2019

TWAS January 31st

Happy Thursday Everyone, I hope you're all able to enjoy a bit of a break over the next three days.  It looks like it's going to be very cold so stay bundled!! The children wrote their TWAS letters today, and I am very proud of everyone's work.  We have been practicing conventions and descriptive language in group writing, and have been beginning some self editing.  I am noticing a lot of improvement all around -- way to go 73!! We also did a fun writing activity with our little buddies this week.  Each pair hid a bean bag, with their names under it, somewhere in the school. They then wrote a description of where it was hidden.  Another pair took that description and went off to find the bean bag.  They did it 'stealth mode' (I'll let them explain) and with time restrictions.  The descriptions were fantastic and the children were able to meet all noise and time expectations! The students wanted their math drill time raised to 3 minutes instead of 2 and w

TWAS January 25

Hello Everyone, That was some fast Friday!! If your little one did not get his/her TWAS letter finished today it is totally not his/her fault.  We had kindie buddies, an assembly and club Friday; after we fit in a snack and club orientation that was pretty much it for the day!  It was the first round of the second club. I am very proud of 73; not only did they all get themselves to their new clubs independently and without incident they all picked up their kindie buddy delivered that little buddy to his/her new club and them got themselves where they needed to be.  This group is becoming so responsible and independent!  Thank you a million times over to the amazing volunteers who were able to join on our Fort Calgary Field trip.  You made our day all the more special; the children adore you and I can't tell you how wonderful it is for me to have such a caring, fun and flexible group of parents along for the ride! We are continuing to learn about Communities in the Past as we m

TWAS January 18th

Hello Everyone, I hope you've had excellent weeks and will get a little rest time in over the weekend.  The children have been working on a lot of different things and I think that they will really enjoy some out-of-class learning on Monday on our Fort Calgary field trip! I'm really looking forward to it as well; it looks like an amazing program and such a fun way to learn about Calgary's past. We've really been working hard on creating descriptive, imaginative and legible creature descriptions for the grade 8 artists to work with, over at Dr. George, over the next few months.  We did it; everyone completed their good copy writing and I was able to deliver an envelope full of brilliant and exciting ideas to Ms. Hart (the art teacher).  I can't wait to see what the artists do with those ideas, but the writing was so good that we just couldn't wait.  We needed to turn them into art that we can enjoy until the Dr. George sculptures are complete. They are now up

TWAS January 11

Hello Everyone, I hope your first week back in the school routine has gone smoothly for you.   I fully get the adjustment!!   The children have done wonderfully — they haven’t missed a beat J Field trip forms are printed off and ready to go so I will be sending them home on Monday. Thank you so much to those who have volunteered to join us.    I am also thinking about doing a community walk to Dr. George to drop off our monster writing next Friday (Jan. 18th).   I know it is extremely short notice, but if anyone is available to join I please let me know and I will go ahead and put together a more formalized plan.   I think it would be fun to meet the artists ahead of time (the grade 8 students will be making sculptures from our writing). We’re off to some new starts in our New Year. We finished off the magnets unit with magnet games and have begun our liquids unit.   We are learning how to be professional scientists and performed our first experiment