
Showing posts from November, 2018

TWAS November 30

Hello Everyone, I hope that you are all having a good week and that those who are working through nasty colds are on the road to recovery! I can't believe that it is the last day of November.  We definitely don't have enough time in the days right now! I know that life at home is busy as well so I'll keep this short. We've started working on our estimation skills in math, and the students are quickly becoming masters.  Give it a try at home, if you have time.  You might ask them to estimate how many spoons are in the cutlery drawer, how many socks in a sock drawer or how many crayons in a crayon bin. They are checking their estimations by counting in different ways until they have the same answer 3 times (2's, 5's, 10's 1's).  As you know, we've been working on descriptive writing.  The students are having a lot of fun with it.  We've had one fantastic monster drawing returned and are so excited to see the others!  If you would prefer not

TWAS November 23

Hello Everyone, I hope everyone's had a good week.  It sounds like Christmas is in the air for a lot of families and the children are getting so excited.  There have been a lot of requests for Christmas books in our classroom library, and talk about decorations starting to go up at home.  It is such an exciting time of year for so many of them! Even with all of this excitement though, they worked so hard this week.  I am very proud of them; they are so excited by their learning and are up for any challenge that comes their way.  This week's art is still a work in progress so pictures will come next week.  It is the first piece that will be going on our mobiles.  Thanks so much to everyone who was able to send in a hanger and extras as well.  I think we have enough for everyone so will begin "all about me" construction next week! * This upcoming week is our Hip Hop Dance residency.  Our class will be showcasing their learning Friday at 9:40 am.  Families are welcom

TWAS November 16th

Hi Everyone, Wow — the Cranston lights look so beautiful on these dark snowy mornings! What a lovely way to start each day. I hope that those of you who were able to make it to math night enjoyed the evening and found some interesting math ideas to take home! Checkers is a game that we've been starting to work with in our class.  The children have begun to create their own checker boards and have asked me to put a template on the blog so that they can make one for home too, so I've attached it below. It may be hard to copy from the blog though, so here is a downloadable link as well:  They can also practice playing online (great for teaching them the rules).  I just googled "play checkers on line" for kids, and opted to play against the computer.  They loved it! Also in math this week, we've been working on math design, Canadian Coins/values,