TWAS Oct. 12

Hello Families of 73,

I hope everyone had a good week :)

It's been an exciting week at Cranston; of course stuffy day was a very exciting event for these little ones and the children have also been working on team-building skills with the parachute in gym class this week, which is always a favourite activity.

Thanks so much to the families who were able to get some insulating devices/thermoses in early so that the children could share ideas and engage in some insulation brainstorming discussions! There is no wrong way to create these devices so have fun, enjoy the process and we'll be really excited to see what happens on Monday!

As we come to the end of our Temperature Science unit, the children have been learning how to take science notes as we tie our learning together with some informative video clips.  We will be starting our magnet unit next week, so please point out any magnets that you happen to see during your weekend activities.

We have been extending our make 10 addition facts to lean about equation fact families such as the following:


We also created life sized number lines and have bouncing our way up and down the line to check our math equation answers.  Some of the children have expressed interest in making these number lines at home.  If you're interested in helping them do this, paper plates work great; your little one can teach you the rest :)

Here is a number line math problem to go with the number lines if you decide to make one (they can also draw a number line on a piece of paper and use that as a tool).

Your stuffy is sitting on the number 3, on the number line.  He bounces a few times and ends up on the number 10.  How many bounces did your stuffy bounce?

We wrote about our stuffies this Thursday, striving to meet personal writing goals and follow the paragraph framework.  Every single student is showing growth so yayy 73!  We also continue to work on daily reading.  I have been reminding the children to switch up their home reading and keep up with the practice; please let me know if you're not seeing new books so I can give some extra nudges on this end.

Please enjoy the beautiful art pictures below.  The Thanksgiving pumpkins and corn are mixed-media (water colour/pastels/marker/pencil crayon).  The beautiful fall tree 'straw' art was created blowing black water colour to make trunks and branches, and then sponge painting on tempera fall colour paints for the leaves. There is so much creativity in this space — it is so fun to watch them take an idea and a technique and run with it!

I hope everyone has a spectacular weekend,

See you Monday 73,

Mrs. McArthur


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