TWAS January 18th

Hello Everyone,

I hope you've had excellent weeks and will get a little rest time in over the weekend.  The children have been working on a lot of different things and I think that they will really enjoy some out-of-class learning on Monday on our Fort Calgary field trip! I'm really looking forward to it as well; it looks like an amazing program and such a fun way to learn about Calgary's past.

We've really been working hard on creating descriptive, imaginative and legible creature descriptions for the grade 8 artists to work with, over at Dr. George, over the next few months.  We did it; everyone completed their good copy writing and I was able to deliver an envelope full of brilliant and exciting ideas to Ms. Hart (the art teacher).  I can't wait to see what the artists do with those ideas, but the writing was so good that we just couldn't wait.  We needed to turn them into art that we can enjoy until the Dr. George sculptures are complete. They are now up on display, with their anonymous descriptions, as a challenge for our Cranston peers and teachers to try to pair the writing with the art.  Enjoy the picture below and if you have time, stop in and have a look.  Both the art and writing really are so very impressive!

We've had lots of fun with science this week and enjoyed some experiments:  "The Magic Penny" and "The great Viscosity Race" taught us about surface tension and viscosity.  These are tricky, so if time permits feel free to re-do these experiments and enjoy some discussions about what they teach us.

"Magic penny":  how many drops of water can a penny hold and what shape does the water take before it overflows.

The "Great Viscosity" race: 

We also began two digit addition, and had our second math drill this week.  Way to go 73! The graphs are showing progress already :) Additionally we spent a little time with the Math Before Bed practicing addition by subitizing.  Here's an image we looked at 
In preparation for our Field Trip we also began some discussion about 'communities in the past' and completed a little research on the Pebble2Go website.  We also began our Nunavut books. 

Thanks so much for getting the field trip forms back so quickly; if you have any questions please email.  

I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend and thanks again for everything you do to set these little people us for success everyday.  It certainly shows in their love of learning, and beautiful kind hearts.

Mrs. McArthur


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