TWAS Oct. 19

Hello Everyone,

I hope you've been able to get out and enjoy this amazing weather!! We've definitely taken advantage of it whenever we could this week.  Phys-ed was outside, we were able to collect the rest of our 'nature' for our art (enjoy the amazing creations below; they will be printed off so that they can become visual journal covers) enjoy grade 2 team building today at Rock Park, and return our nature to nature. 

There is too much to put into the blog so I'll let your little ones tell you about our in-class picnic, Club Friday, Music, Phys-ed, buddies and everything else that I don't get down here, but I do want to put out a HUGE shout out to your children as they were amazing in our two fire drills this week; way to go team!

Science:  The most amazing insulators were brought into 73!!! Way to go everyone.  Everyone's was original and super cool and gave us tons to study, reflect on and think about.  Thank you so so so much for all the support that went into these wonderful creations.  I can't tell you how excited the students were to test them :)  The children documented and then graphed the changing temperatures of the ice cubes as they became liquid (or stayed solid).  We also learned a little bit about how our earth's tilt creates seasons (thanks Bill Nye), and spent a bit of time identifying what those changing seasons feel like; this is a little tricky living in Calgary.  The magnet books are in and the units are set up for next week.  Anyone interested, and with volunteer clearance, is welcome to join; our inquiry is always at the end of the day. 

Math: We continued to work with our mental math building, and using number lines for addition and subtraction.  Moving on with our basic math facts, we've incorporated drama and begun to 'perform' math, while having audience members write out accompanying math number sentences (see if they can create a math drama skit for you). Here's an idea for a problem that they could turn into a skit:

I baked 10 cookies and ate 2.  One of my grown-ups walked by and ate 2 of them; my pet snuck in and ate 3. 

In Language Arts this week the students worked with graphic organizers to help them organize their thoughts for their good copy writing their amazing science insulators. The students to continue to work on and continue to develop their personal writing goals. Everyone is progressing and showing excellent perseverance as the goals get trickier and trickier!  There is also some excellent research from books happening in our Daily 5!  

I'm really looking forward to meeting with everyone next week; if you aren't able to make it during the assigned conference dates I'd be happy to reschedule with you another time. 

Thanks for a fantastic week 73 — Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!



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