TWAS November 30

Hello Everyone,

I hope that you are all having a good week and that those who are working through nasty colds are on the road to recovery!

I can't believe that it is the last day of November.  We definitely don't have enough time in the days right now! I know that life at home is busy as well so I'll keep this short.

We've started working on our estimation skills in math, and the students are quickly becoming masters.  Give it a try at home, if you have time.  You might ask them to estimate how many spoons are in the cutlery drawer, how many socks in a sock drawer or how many crayons in a crayon bin. They are checking their estimations by counting in different ways until they have the same answer 3 times (2's, 5's, 10's 1's). 
As you know, we've been working on descriptive writing.  The students are having a lot of fun with it.  We've had one fantastic monster drawing returned and are so excited to see the others!  If you would prefer not to have your art work on display please let me know :) It can just as easily live in the visual journals.

We have been discussing climate and landscape in social studies. These conversations can totally continue at home, especially if you have done some traveling (even to different parts of Alberta; or maybe interview a relative who lives somewhere else): how does the landscape/climate change from place to place?  How does it stay the same?

We've begun our beautiful mobiles.  One side is visual art and the other side writing that goes with.  Enjoy the pictures – I'm so looking forward to watching them continue to grow!

Finally thank you so much to those of you who were able to shop for our Calgary children in need.  I can't tell you how excited those students were to receive and open their gift bags last year.  There wasn't a dry eye in this place when we watched the videos.  That said, please do not feel pressured to put a bag together.  We absolutely understand the business of the season and everything that goes with! All of the children will be taken care of and all of our Cranston students will enjoy the experience of putting a bag together.

Have a wonderful Weekend Everyone — see you on Monday 73 :)

Mrs. McArthur


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