TWAS January 25

Hello Everyone,

That was some fast Friday!! If your little one did not get his/her TWAS letter finished today it is totally not his/her fault.  We had kindie buddies, an assembly and club Friday; after we fit in a snack and club orientation that was pretty much it for the day!  It was the first round of the second club. I am very proud of 73; not only did they all get themselves to their new clubs independently and without incident they all picked up their kindie buddy delivered that little buddy to his/her new club and them got themselves where they needed to be.  This group is becoming so responsible and independent! 

Thank you a million times over to the amazing volunteers who were able to join on our Fort Calgary Field trip.  You made our day all the more special; the children adore you and I can't tell you how wonderful it is for me to have such a caring, fun and flexible group of parents along for the ride!
We are continuing to learn about Communities in the Past as we make fun visual timeline stories, and clue art. We will also be returning to our study of an Arctic community next week. 

I will be creating a Fort Calgary slide show for everyone to enjoy when you come to student led conferences (or before if you want to stop in).  Unfortunately we are not able to post pictures on the blog, or send group pictures home but I'm hoping some make it into the yearbook, and the children loved looking at them in class this week.

We've also been having fun with science.  We were learning about density and changes of state.  The students developed hypothesis, made observations and documented their learning of two whole class experiments. The children LOVED watching the density tower being built and I've promised that I'd post the order and types of liquids used so that anyone interested can recreate the tower at home. Liquids were poured into the clear container in this order (they must be poured very slowly and down the side of the container so that they don't mix; I pour them over the back of a spoon):

Honey, whole milk, dish soap, water, vegetable oil and rubbing alcohol.  I put food colouring in the water and rubbing alcohol to make them easier to see.  We then dropped a popcorn kernel, lego block and ping pong ball into the tower to measure different densities. 

This week in math we have been working with 2 digit addition, place value, mental math, drills and here is one of the problems that we worked on:

You have 100 dollars to spend at a garage sale.  Buy 3 or more things.  What will you buy?  How much will they cost all together? How much money do you have left over?

In Language Arts we turned our creatures into round characters.  Interview your little one about his/her creature creations.  It is such a fun way to come up with ideas!  We also worked on developing ideas in writing and comparing/contrasting 2 stories. 

It's been a great week; your children are so much fun to work with!! The Fort Calgary guides said that t'he Cranston kids' made their work day great : )  I couldn't agree more.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone,

See you Monday 73,

Mrs. McArthur


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