TWAS January 31st

Happy Thursday Everyone,

I hope you're all able to enjoy a bit of a break over the next three days.  It looks like it's going to be very cold so stay bundled!!

The children wrote their TWAS letters today, and I am very proud of everyone's work.  We have been practicing conventions and descriptive language in group writing, and have been beginning some self editing.  I am noticing a lot of improvement all around -- way to go 73!!

We also did a fun writing activity with our little buddies this week.  Each pair hid a bean bag, with their names under it, somewhere in the school. They then wrote a description of where it was hidden.  Another pair took that description and went off to find the bean bag.  They did it 'stealth mode' (I'll let them explain) and with time restrictions.  The descriptions were fantastic and the children were able to meet all noise and time expectations!

The students wanted their math drill time raised to 3 minutes instead of 2 and were very excited about their results, which were graphed today. We have also continued to work with 2 digit addition, mental math skills and math problems. 

Here is an example of one type of math problem that we were working on:

We also enjoyed a couple of science experiments that let us explore changes of state:  Ice Ice baby (how long does an ice cube in a plastic bag take to melt in our hand); Should I Stay or Should I Go (two identical jars with the same water sit side by side in our windowsill. One has a lid and one does not.  What happens over the week?)

We also 'experimented' with a number of ingredients and temperature changes in our social studies lesson today.  We baked break and made butter (thanks Ms. Gale for organizing this and our parent volunteer for pulling it all together for us).  It turned out amazingly well and was delicious!!. 

We also continued to work on our beautiful visual story of Calgary; I'm hoping pictures will be up on the next blog post.

I'll let the children fill you in on the rest — enjoy those great TWAS letters and have a wonderful weekend everyone!!

Thanks again so much to the parent volunteers who were able to come in and work with us this week.  Your supports really do change a child's day : )

Mrs. McArthur


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