TWAS May 31st

Hello Everyone,

Wow — it is seriously smoky out there.  Hopefully it will blow out as quickly as it blew in and you can all get out to enjoy some beautiful summer-like weather!!

We were able to get outside and enjoy some gym games with our little buddies earlier this week, and the children enjoyed outdoor lunch picnics all week long.  It's such a beautiful time of year.

We had so much fun inline skating Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Our instructor was great! It is incredibly amazing how much everyone learned over 4 lessons!! They did so well, and their core balance and strength increased drastically from one session to the next.  I'm sure more than a few will be asking to do some inline skating this summer, and I'd say they definitely have the basic skills to begin to enjoy the sport outside on your amazing Cranston paths, and beyond!

Ants and worms were the focus of this week's science study.  We learned some pretty big and kind of cool new science words: myrmecology and pheromones.  These small animals really are amazing. Your little one will probably be excited to share his/her new knowledge with you and they have also decided on which little critter each of them would like to complete a personal inquiry on.  If the weather cooperates, it might be great to go searching for this creature.  It would be nice to know if it lives in Cranston and maybe even get a picture.

During our social's work, we've begun to compare and contrast our Nunavut and Nova Scotia studies and will beginning to bring Saskatchewan in next week.  If you have personal connections to any of these places, it would be great to share some of those experiences with your child.  We will definitely be talking quite a bit about agriculture, in particular its importance as a resource in Saskatchewan, especially as we talk about the ingredients that will be going into our Dr. George Stanley cookies.

Speaking of Dr. George we have been working on our "Thank You Artist" letters.  They are lovely; some of the children even opted to write their artists a poem which was really neat.  The poems that are coming out of this class are spectacular.  We will definitely be compiling some type of room 73 memory poetry book! This week we reflected on thoughts/emotions/experiences that were connected to sight (a flashing battery candle) and taste (lollipops).  We brought it all together in a celebration of inclusion. We loved the poem "The Crayon Box that Talked" by Shane DeRolf, listened to Lapsley's beautiful song "Sation" that was created completely by computer and one singer's voice. The singer's voices is altered and changed to sound like different people with very different voices, all coming together. So Cool.  We also talked about another song, artist, that just refuses to be categorized lol!! Your child will tell you all about that favourite.  We finished our study with some beautiful inclusion poetry and decided that we sure are lucky to be able to express ourselves creatively in so many different ways!!!  How boring would life be if we were all the same!

Math has been a lot of fun.  We are working with data analysis, so we are beginning to learn all kinds of cool things about our classmates (favourite summer activities/ subjects) and then organizing this data and presenting it in beautiful graphs.  If you happen to have a game of battleship hanging around, this might be a perfect time to teach your little one how to play. We also continued with our addition/subtraction regrouping practice, and some problem work such as this:

We need 67 cards for our Dr. George Stanley Artists.  We have 51.  How many more cards do we need to make?

Well, I will leave you with the beautiful crayon poem and a thank you for all you do to send me such spectacular children to learn and play with each day.  This is the time of year when we should all beginning to get a little tired of one another; that is just not happening at all!  

Have a wonderful weekend everyone,

See you Monday 73 : )


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